Contour Design Driver


Shuttle Drivers The Shuttle driver for macOS Big Sur is currently in beta testing and available for download here. Product Name Operating System Download Shuttle Prov2 and Shuttle Xpress Windows 7 to 10 2.13.3 Shuttle Prov2 and Shuttle Xpress macOS 10.9 to 10.13 3.0.39 Shuttle Prov2 and Shuttle Xpress macOS 10.14 and 10.15 (Please read before. Topics: Drivers. Support Central Drivers Shuttle Driver. RollerMouse Driver. Contour Design, Inc. 10 Industrial Drive Windham, NH 03087 USA. Download Contour Storyteller for Windows to experience video and location info at the same time while playing video shot with Contour cameras. Contour Storyteller has had 1 update within the past.

Contour Design Shuttlexpress Drivers

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Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 10:33 am
Site Admin

Joined: Mon Jan 04, 2010 2:56 pm
Posts: 324
Q: I get an error when I try to install the Windows Shuttle driver saying I have insufficient disk space. My drive has 3TB free. How is that possible?

A: Our current installer for Windows has a bug that does not recognize hard drives over 1.5TB. You can get our installer to work by creating a temporary partition. Here's how:
Open CMD as Administrator
MD temp
CD temp
fsutil file createnew temp.tmp 2000000000000 [a 2 with 12 zeros]
This instantly creates a 2-TB file that make the available space 2 TB smaller (change size as necessary for your situation).
Run the installer (without any problem now).
And then delete C:temptemp.tmp
All done.

(Thanks to Shuttle Forum user Whaledad for the tip!)
Q: My Shuttle hardware/software becomes unresponsive at times. What can I do?
A: Please see this sticky thread about how to reset the Shuttle Engine and Helper.
Q: Version 2.12 is the latest Windows Shuttle driver?! Doesn't 2.81 come after 2.12 in version numbers?
A:We can see how the version numbers might be confusing. It's actually 2.8.1 and 2.12, so 12 comes after 8.1. Version 2.12 is the latest, and was written to address issues with Windows 7 and Windows 8. You won’t gain anything by upgrading to the v2.12 driver if you are using Windows XP.
Q: When I try to install the Windows driver on my Windows 7 or 8 PC, I get an 'error changing registry data' and the install stops. What is the fix for this?

A: This seems to happen with users who have Avast Antivirus installed. Thanks to user blackknife who revealed the fix here. The fix is to temporarily UNINSTALL Avast, install the Contour Shuttle driver, then reinstall Avast. If you try this and only disable Avast it will not work.

Q: There is no Shuttle icon in my System Tray in Windows 7. Where did it go?

Q: When I hover over the Shuttle icon it always says 'explorer.exe had focus' and when I right click on the icon it all ways has a greyed out Global Settings checked. Why is this happening?
A: 1. Navigate to your System Tray (Where your date and time are in the bottom-right-hand corner of your desktop) and click on the triangle to display all of the toolbar icons. (see image below)

customize.png [ 20.6 KiB | Viewed 22287 times ]

2. Click on the 'Customize', scroll down to 'Shuttle Device Helper Application', and click the drop down menu to the right to change it to 'Show icon and notification'. You can also turn off any unwanted icons here. (see image below)

show icons.png [ 30.98 KiB | Viewed 22287 times ]

Click the OK button in the encompassing window and you should be all set. The reason behind this is Windows started hiding icons that it feels are inactive, and when you click on the triangle it changes the focus from the application you are in to explorer.exe; which on the default install does not have an application setting assigned to it.
Q: I installed the Shuttle driver for Windows Vista/7/8, the Windows hibernation feature does not work properly. Is there a fix for that?
A: There is an incompatibility with older Shuttle hardware and 64-bit installs of Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8 which causes hibernation issues. Unfortunately it cannot be remedied with an update to the driver. We have changed manufacturers and there is a new version of the ShuttlePRO v2 and ShuttleXpress that has been released which will resolves this issue. In the mean time, many users are simply unplugging the Shuttle from USB in order to get Windows to hibernate properly. Again, this is not a software issue.
Q: On my Windows machine, my Shuttle won't work with [Insert Application Name Here]. What can I do to get it to work?
A: We can use Sony Vegas as an example. If for some reason, the Vegas settings don't work with Vegas 12 'out of the box,' you just need to point the Shuttle software to the Vegas 12 executable file and it should fix the issue. We will be fixing this issue when the driver is updated.
To change this setting, open the Contour Shuttle Device Configuration (Open Control Panel from the task bar) and choose a previous Sony Vegas setting from the Application Setting drop down menu. Next, click the Options button and choose 'Change Target Application' then navigate to your Program Files folder and find the Sony folder then Vegas Pro 12.0, then click on 'vegas12' and click the Open button.
Now launch Sony Vegas, and make sure you have the New Sony Vegas Application Setting chosen in the Shuttle Icon Menu in the System Tray. This should solve any issues with Vegas not recognizing the Shuttle.
Q: I have been using my Shuttle with Adobe Premiere for years, and now that I've upgraded to the latest version, the Shuttle no longer responds. What's going on?!
A: When applications are updated to newer version numbers (such as version 9.5 gets updated to version 10) the Shuttle software needs to be told where the new version of the program resides.
Q: I want to export the Macros I've made, but they don't seem to export when I export my settings? How can I do this?
A: You can manually copy your macros from C:/ProgramData/Contour Design/Macros. Some users may need to turn on 'Show Hidden Files and Folders' under Appearance and Personalization/Folder Options in the Windows Control Panel in order to see the ProgramData folder.

Q: I am trying to use my Shuttle with (insert program name here), and I know there is a setting for my application. Why doesn't the Shuttle respond in the application I am using?

A: Check the Shuttle icon in the Windows System tray (see above FAQ for instructions on how to enable the Shuttle icon in the System Tray), and make sure the application's setting has a check mark next to it. Many applications may have multiple settings that will work with it. The Shuttle software lets you choose which settings file you want to use. Simply choose the setting you want as shown in the image below. You can also delete settings that you are not using by selecting it in the Application Settings drop down menu, and clicking the Options button and choosing Delete Setting.
File comment: Shuttle icon in the System Tray
shuttle_tray.png [ 20 KiB | Viewed 35934 times ]

Shuttle Team
Contour Design


Contour Design Driver Software

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